Bob’s Brain: Future-proofing your wastewater system.

Treating the Hard to Treat

所以当我们全面审视制造业时, a lot of people plan for expansion and production, such as adding new lines increasing production hours, 这给他们的污水处理系统带来了额外的压力. 我们想让我们的废水处理系统经得起未来的考验,这样当我们的生产增加时, 我们以后不必担心我们的废水系统是否能安全地处理增加的水量.

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制造工厂从不打算减少产量, but unfortunately, sometimes it does happen, 因此,如果我们认为这是一种趋势,我们也必须为此做好准备. But for the most part, people plan on expansion; they plan on growing their business and growing their production activities, 因此,我们只是想帮助企业和制造商理解,废水处理系统需要一个思考过程. A lot of times, we’ll see a manufacturer build a brand new facility, or add a plating line, and not include wastewater at all, which can trigger a whole different set of problems.

当你看到废水的体积,你将通过你的废水系统运行, 你要确保你的油箱大小合适,并且你有足够的存储空间来容纳至少四个小时的运行时间. A lot of people try to go for a 24 hour run time; if possible, it is not always possible; some plants manufacture a lot more wastewater than others. But you want holding capabilities; you want your tanks to be large enough to have a dwell time of at least 15 minutes in each tank that is actually processing the wastewater — not your holding tanks, but your pH adjustment tanks, your chemical addition tanks, and your flocculation tanks. You want at least 15 minutes, 所以你需要确保你的水箱的大小适合这种情况, 你要确保你的水泵足够大来处理这些转移. And if your tanks gravity feed into each other, 确保增加的流量不会淹没那些水箱, 重力进给接头足以处理增加的流入. 你要确保你的化学进料泵是适当的大小,这样你就可以拨出你的化学或拨下你的化学需要. 你也要确保它们不会过大,因为如果它们过大, 如果你需要放慢工作节奏,你可能无法放慢工作节奏. 你还需要确保你的脱水设备——无论是真空滚筒过滤机还是板框压滤机——都有足够的尺寸来处理你将产生的固体数量.

How does hydroxide precipitation work?
大多数金属精加工使用氢氧化物沉淀作为去除金属的方法. 氢氧根沉淀就是加入钠-钾, hydroxide calcium, or hydroxide, really any form of hydroxide, to adjust your pH up. 氢氧化物与金属形成化学键,并以金属盐的形式将它们从废水中去除, and that’s where your solids are generated from. 实际上有一个氢氧根溶解度曲线图如果在你的废水系统中没有螯合作用或者螯合作用很小, 你可以用这个曲线图来指导你需要在哪里设定pH值来去除你体内的金属.

我们现在听到的很多东西都是电凝, 这在金属加工领域并不为人所知. Electrocoagulation is not electrowinning; it is a different process, but it allows you to overcome your chelation factors. 我已经看到它被用在加速质量整理的地方, which is a chelation heavy process, is comingled with the plating rinses. 即使存在螯合作用,它也可以去除金属. Electrocoagulation is a totally physical way of removing your metal contaminants; you can do ion exchange in some cases, 还有一种叫做硫化物沉淀, 用硫化物代替氢氧根来调节pH值, 你可以在比氢氧根溶解度低得多的pH下使用它们. There are a lot of different ways to remove metals.

Routinely you do what we call a ‘system welfare check,你想在对废水进行任何处理之前得到一些废水, 你需要一个台架测试使用你当前的化学成分和你当前的剂量来看看你正在去除什么. 在台架测试之前,你想看看你的废水中到底有什么. Has it changed over the years? 你是否添加了一条新的生产线,加入了以前没有的新污染物? It is so that you can gauge your metal removal efficiencies; if you’re hitting above 90% metal removal, and you’re doing really well, and your chemical usage is low, then you’re on the right treatment program. 但是,假设你的化学品使用量多年来一直在增加, you’re now at 10-15 mils per gallon to treat with your coagulant; it might be time to bring in a different form of coagulation. In our industry, there are four types of coagulates: there’s iron-based, aluminum-based, calcium-based, 市场上的一种新产品是稀土基凝固剂. So compare them see which one works better.

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